Burger Builder
React Application

Single-page web application that allows you to order your custom burger. It is built in React.js, using Redux, React-Thunk, React Router, axios and Firebase Database for back end. The project was part of the Udemy course. It has authentication functionality with local storage. Users can see their orders once they are logged in.

Library Website
Node.js Application

The project represents a web-based library system with a broad functionality of getting readers’ requests for the books, keeping track of the due dates, and maintaining library collection. Built as an MVC web application using Node.js, Express, EJS for views, MongoDB for storing data. Supports two types of users: reader and admin. Supports queing system (readers' requests are placed on a queue).

Cross-Platform Mobile Application

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Mobile Application represents a collection of recipes with authentication functionality. User may add their own recipes, save recipes, save items to their shopping list directly from recipe detail page, search for recipes. App is built with Angular and Ionic framework, using Firebase for back end. Available in Google Play Store.

Expense Tracker
Mobile Application for Android

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Native mobile application for tracking expenses on android device, written in Java using Android Studio,and Firebase to store the records. Users may add their expenses and income to a specific account, and track their transactions

Hotel Manager
Cross-platform Mobile Application

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The project is written in Typescript using Angular and Ionic. Represents a hotel booking system that displays available rooms and prices, provides a datepicker feature, displays available rooms, vibrates when the booking is made (using Capacitor). The user is able to slide the images of the rooms available (using ionic-slide feature)". Booked rooms are displayed on the checkout page.